About the Journal

The Institute of Education Journal of Theory and Research in Education (IJOTRE)
disseminates information derived from research findings and theoretical topics in the areas of Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Higher Education for practitioners, educators, educationist, academia, researchers, curriculum planners and policy - makers with the main goal of improving educational status. IJOTRE is a annual and peer - reviewed Joumal.

Articles are expected to focus on any of the following topics:
1. Contribution on theoretical, methodological and practical teaching aspects of
2. Research notes and project reports
3. Articles representing scholarly opinions on contemporary issues and trends stemming from any aspects of education.
4. Book reviews that are significant in the field of education.

Guidelines for Papers Submission
* Articles should not be longer than 15 A4 - sized pages using Time New Roman, font
size of 12. Longer articles will attract additional publication fee.
* Reference style should conform to the America Psychological Association format (6th
Edition). This should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of
the authors.
* Footnotes are not allowed.
* Manuscripts' cover should include the title of the paper, author(s) name(s), institution 
affiliation and E-mail address.
* Abstract should not be more than 250 words.
* Two hard copies of the manuscripts should be submitted for review. Articles can also be submitted by post to The Managing Editor, IJOTRE, Institute of Education,

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Nigeria or electronically via e-mail to

* Assessment fee of N5,000 shall be paid before any paper shall be reviewed.
* Publication fee of N25,000 ($50), is a condition for publication that a manuscript
submitted to Ife Journal of Theory and Research in Education (IJOTRE) has not been
published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere.All fees
must be paid into the Institute Books and Journals, Account Number 1013534137
Zenith Bank Submissions are published at the editor's exclusive discretion. Submission that do not conform to these guidelines may not be considered for publication.